

The attributes of God are important to me on a personal level because He fulfills me in every sense of the word ( Psalm 138:8 ).  He is merciful, just, omniscient, loving, and righteous.  (2nd Thessalonians 1:6)His attributes affect me on a daily basis because He himself holds me up and sustains me.  Without a personal relationship with Him, I would be lost in sin, unable to move or maintain life in any way, physical or spiritual (Psalm 68:19).  The attributes of God affect me on a personal level because everything He is is everything I aspire to be (1 Corinthians 11:1).  He is a triune God.  This means that He is plural in person but singular in character.  He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Gal 1:1, points to Jesus being God). As a believer in Christ I believe my soul will live on, but my body will perish.

I believe that when we die, if we have Christ in our hearts, we will ascend into heaven and be with Jesus for eternity.  However if we have not accepted Jesus into our hearts, and we have turned our face from him, its is written in his word that we will be condemned to spend an eternity apart from Him.  In reference to God’s divine interpretation, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in order for them to write down his word.  Moses also documented much of the Old Testament as well.

I believe there is no way to “Earn” his grace or forgiveness, but if we sacrifice our lives to him and trust in him with all of our understanding then we will be able to receive the salvation given to us as his gift.


I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior because of the way He has moved and worked in my life.  The way his Holy Spirit has moved in my life is extraordinary.  One of the biggest reasons I believe in Christianity as a relationship, not a religion, is because of the personal application into his word that you can apply to yourself.  I believe that His grace covers over all of our sins because He died on the cross for us when He came down as a man.

When I was very young I grew up in the church all my life and slowly began to realize over the years that all of it had to do with more than just a religion.  I realized that God wanted us, His children, to have a relationship with Him.  In contrast, I believe that science proves creationism, other than disproves it.

I believe evolution is a false theory and therefore the only other logical explanation for the universe is divine intervention-Creationism.  The intricacies of this world were not created by some fluke accident but by a divine Creator.  The physical universe is not all there is, there is more to us than our eyes can see.  The odds of the universe spontaneously occurring are the same as hitting a target on the other side of the universe on the first try.  The solar system is too complex for it to happen by chance.  You need the right atmosphere, molecules, cell membrane, proteins, genetic code: the list goes on.  All of these things, along with everything else in this world, points to a Creator.  A God who made us with a word and spoke us into existence. He holds us in His hands.

My belief in Christianity is based through faith, experience, testimony, influence and logic.  Through faith I believe that Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead.  I have experienced His hand in my life and His presence in worship.  Through testimony from other believers I have affirmed that my God is truly the one and only living God.  Through my mother and my church I have been influenced and learned about the Bible and what it has for my life.  I have been influenced by my Pastors and my peers.  Finally, through logic I reason in my mind that the universe was only created in one possible way.  Not through some miraculous explosion, not by accident, but by the divine work of the Lord: the Creator of all things.

To quote C.S. Lewis, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  My faith cannot be shaken because of my affirmed belief in the God of the bible.  It is through both faith and knowledge that I believe this.  I can attest to this with my life.

I know that even if I had been born in a different culture I would still believe in Jesus as my Savior, because America is home to many different religions and beliefs.

Throughout the world scientists have archeologists have discovered different things to prove the bible.  One I find particularly interesting is this that in the Gulf of Aqaba, also known as “The Red Sea,” there was found a chariot wheel made of solid gold.  This is proof of Exodus 14 when God parted the Red Sea to let his people the Israelites escape their oppressors the egyptians.  As soon as they had passed through, God let the waters come crashing down onto the pursuing egyptians, burying them within the sea.

As I grow in my walk with God, He continues to reveal to me new ways to discern right from wrong, moral from immoral, and so on.  I am still learning, and always will be.  I’m not perfect, but I strive to live my life as Christ did.  The Lord is teaching me how to fully submit myself to my authority and ultimately to His.  This requires humility and understanding.  Through growth and maturity the Lord will lead me to the spiritual place He wants me as a man of Christ.

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